Monday, November 27, 2006

so thats where mom's shrug went!

yeah i said it, that hunk of lego-looking plasticrap in the centre du promenade troisième is by far the most hideous and downright depressing piece of tree this world has offered. and i opin' from experience: i work not only next to it, but FACING the thing!

so i just drew a picture to further explain my pain here. also, the tree is a weird attempt at cubism i think (just my theory) because its really just a stack of green squares, theyre not even cool-looking enough to be recognized as 3d. and at the foot of the situation is a mound of tacky white "glaciers" and cotton "snow" with wax animals sprinkled here and there. to top it all off, because i guess they got to the point where they were beyond seeing the ugliness and began to get used to it so they overworked it... is a wire cone with a metal ribbon proclaiming "peace on earth" in classy brush script.

so without further ad'... my drawing, and a shitty picture (i promise ill get a cell with a decent cam on it).
in conclusion, this is my job here. and please take note of the crazy in the picture. thanks.

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